Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Just Wanna Shoot Lasers Out Of My Eyes

But today my girlfriend had lasers shot into her eyes. I got to watch!

My girl had some LASIK done today. They had a camera zoomed way up on her eyeball, and I got to watch them dismantle and repair her peepers.

I didn't bring my camera, but the procedure looks like this

At the establishment that she visited, they cut her eyes open with lasers, instead of a blade. I was a bit bummed I didn't get to see them saw her eye like they do most places. Did you see the see saw as I saw it?



This was brought to you by the conjugation of the verb "to see", lasers, googly eyes, and fun.

Matthew Thiessen


lexidoodleellis said...


ive never seen a picture discribing that

i should probally get that done to me..

its bad for me to drive half blind...


Nina said...

that's pretty crazy, but that's good that shannon can see now :D

i could never get that done, yikes, i saw the video of it too on the 93.1's site... pretty crazy... but i already said that... :D

Victoria said...

i'm going to get that done...but....it's kinda disturbing.

Tera said...

Whoa. You watched that? Amazing. And yet...kind of strange...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that just talked me out of Lasik.

blah said...

I see the see saw! it's #3 right? lol. that is wierd. lol

Ijustwasted10secondsofyourlife said...

Hehe I think I might be the only one who A.) reads old blogs up to almost a year after they were posted
and B.) caught the anberlin reference. =) "dismantle me down, repair, you dismantle me, you dismantle me"
Unless that wasn't suppose to be an Anberlin reference... hehe