We're doing well. Amongst other things.
One of which is recording.
We are not recording the next full length Relient K record, however we have tracked thirteen new original songs that will be going on an EP. We're calling it The Nashville Tennis EP. We know its a lot of songs for an EP. Whatever.
As well as the EP, we're going to put out a B sides record. I'm not totally sure of how many tracks we're going to put on there, but we're aiming for 20+ for sure. As of right now, we're calling this The Bird And The Bee Sides.
The two albums together are going form a new release also called The Bird And The Bee Sides. We're hoping to release it on the earlier side of the summer.
In addition to this, we've got a bunch of other tricks up our sleeves. We just gotta run it all past the suits first. God bless 'em.
Hopefully this gives all of you a little idea of what we're up to. I wish we had a little more confirmation on the details, but we'll clue you in when that happens.
Relient K
The Nashville Tennis EP
I'm really excited to release this EP. We're recording it with Mark Lee Townsend (MMHMM/Deathbed) and JR McNeely (Underoath/Anberlin) is going to do the mixes.
We're calling it The Nashville Tennis EP because there's a bit of a alt country flare to some of the tunes, and because a lot of the songs have ties to the city of Nashville, TN.
One of the cool things about the EP is that its going to have the feel of two separate EPs. Seven of the songs are rock and roll tunes complete with some fun curveballs. The other six lean more towards our acoustic side. I can't wait to finish it.
Matt Hoopes, Jon Schneck, John Warne, and Ethan Luck have all written songs and are singing lead on them. I'm really happy with the results. You will be too.
The Bird And The Bee Sides
This album is pretty predictable. We're compiling a lot of remixed/remastered songs that did not appear on our five full length releases. Anything from the acoustic version of Up And Up to the demo of Sadie Hawkins Dance (my voice cracks really bad on it... pretty funny/stupid). It will contain a bunch of songs from The Vinyl Countdown, The Employee Of The Month EP, The Creepy EP, and a ton of other stuff that you can't even find on the internet. At least not yet.
We'll post track listings and all the other good stuff when they're done. Just thought it'd be nice to give everyone a heads up.

Sing It.

Matt's Favorite Hat. (Top Hat)

I Am A Human Water Bottle

Slip Slidin' Away

Much love,
Matty T.
I'm so psyched!
Wow that sounds so awesome, I cant wait!
Dude, that just made my year =]
I really can't wait for birds and the bee sides. You should re-record softer to me for it. clever name on the nashville tennis ep.
haha I love that picture of Warner.
I am so so so so excited about this!!!
sweet ^_^
love them pics
You guys make me very happy. =)
I love how you're releasing all those rare songs after I've just finally found most of them online. Haha. Can't wait! Good luck. :)
You have officially made my day :)
I can't wait!
.. haha, i love those pictures... especially Warnes... :)
And a human water bottle, eh? lol. That's pretty amazing.. :D
ah, who am I kidding, I love them all xD lol
I love all you guys :)
ive been waiting for this forever...
i never bought any of those rare cds when i had the chance, then they all dissapeared off the site..
now i am glad that i can get them uniligally.. and im sure that makes you glad too..
im completely stoked!
cant wait till then! [and till i hear more new stuff]
I've never been to Nashville before. It always makes me think of this one kid I know. His name is Nash and he's a jerk and he has lots of acne. :/
In other news, I'm INSANELY excited. :D (The actual The Bird and the Bee = <3)
I'm so upset i can't see yall this summer so hopefully this will help me get through that though time ;)
You're make my year.
yall are so amazing!
did i mention i was excited?
*dances uncontrollably*
There's definitely an immense amount of excitement bursting forth from inside of me right now.
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D
Luv It. Luvin' It.
i'm sure that's all i have to say..
yay :)
You just made my summer :)
Love the EP title - it's so you-guys.
you have done it again!!! you made my day great!!! now this summer can't come soon enough! you guys have such amazing music: so amazing that i fell in love with on the first song i heard!
much love,
i know what im doing with my birthday money :)
This post made me speechless!
at least I can type and smile! :D
this will be a great way to start off summer!
i seriously can't wait.
please keep us updated! :D
Its Amazing How Happy one Blog Post Can Make Some People...Oh The Power Of The Internet And Good Music. You Could Take Over The World! :)
Amazing update, Matty. Really amazing. You done outdid yourself.
yay! The new Cd sounds awesome!
The Birds and The Bee Sides sounds a little more exciting, but I'll love the Nashville one too!
Ooh, a voice crack on Sadie Hawkins Dance! I'm looking forward to it! :D
So what IS an EP anyway?!
I am so psyched. Early summer, come sooner!!!! ♥
This is all quite exciting, Mr. Thiessen :D I'm looking forward to the new music.
Also, the pictures made me laugh out loud, which is quite a feat after the mood i've been in lately.
Thanks for the smiles :)
I'm so excited, I seem to be a 5 years old child, I'm jumping everywhere I can jump (but slowly, it's midnight here).
Anyway, it's a very good news. I'm so happy :D :D .
Thank you ALL for this incredible job you're doing, God bless you and take care of you because you need it ! Someday, we have to do something to thank you for the happiness you bring to us ..
YAY!!! i am soo pumped!!
keep us updated with more info if you could!!!
i am seriously soo excited =D
i cant wait.
i cant wait for WARPED TOUR when i actually get to see you guys again!
you are amazing!
im so excited
I <3 relient k
Hey, I'm so excited for this!!
I love the titles haha.
And the pictures! :D
i don't get it..
i'm a human water bottle.
oooooooo.. i like that Ethan picture.
t looks like some sort of packaging. Perhaps for water? Singers don't warble well without water (wow, that was cool).
13 songs for an EP? *has a big, long laugh* Sounds like Relient k. :-D A nice surprise I must say, considering their previous album was released only last year. And considering that album was released three years after the one before that. The b-sides album sounds pretty good too...I wonder what they'll put on it?
If you do read this comment, Matt, I must say: I love your style of blogging! It's different. Keep up with the posts! It's great to hear an insider's account of a band (even if the insider is one of the band members. Especially so). Thanks for taking the time keeping us up-to-date with Relient k, your life, and other random topics.
New EP!! and remastered songs!! DUDE! that is totally sweet, and an acoustic Up and Up sounds spiffy. Can't wait to see you guys on Warped Tour it'll be the first time i get to see you in concert! i've had plays and theatre stuff every time you guys come down to Arizona! keep it cool!
holy . bizkins !
i am officially the most
excited girl on the face
of this earth !! (:
it sounds awesome! I can't wait!!!!!!!! That is such good news! God Bless!
Awesome. I am going to go spread to good new to just about....everyone I know. Im most excited to hear songs no one has heard before. Ha, keep up the good work. I am proud of you. Thank you for continueing to make more good music and witty blog names. Oh and Congrats to Matt with the human water bottle thing. Let me know how that goes.
Heaven is Counting on You
Stop with the compitition already! Ok, so I'm a huge Switchfoot fan, but I'm from Ohio and Relient K started out in Ohio, so I feel some loyalty there... plus I've been there when the huge plastic buffalo was making its way through the crowd. So, I don't really know how I feel about adding something else to my "pay attention to" list. However, I'm from around the Canton area, so I can't help but follow you guys and chear you on.
Now that you have a Nashville EP, you need an Ohio EP. But that's just me and my jealousy.
Anyway, make sure you keep us all up to date on when these EPs come out. Cause if I miss it.... well.... this Ohio native might as well eat a real buckeye and call it quits, right? (by they way... you've had a buckeye, right? I mean Canton is so close to Harry Londons that you simply can't not know what the buckeye chocolate is.)
Ok, so I sound enough like some teeny-boper fan. I'm done with this. Much luck with the new music, and I'd love to hear you do something else with Switchfoot again.
Many hugs and much love!
i am so amped
i love you guys and am excited that your cd will be on the list for my soundtracks of summer
have a great day!
Sweeeeeet. Can't wait. I'm gonna buy it as soon as it comes out [or at least when I have the cash :-( ]Good luck!
dang, i like your blog. that was "dang" like "oh, sweet," not like "i'm upset about it."
i'm just psyched that since i'm still stuck on the same music i liked in junior high, at least one of the bands is still around.
wooo hoo I'm ready for some old school Relient K!
i totally have that sadie hawkins dance thing, i was there man
Cant wait to hear it!
YAY! haha Relient K, yall have been my favorite for a looooong time now, so this news of a new EP & B sides is pretty awesome. I'll keep watching for a expected release date, b/c you can be sure I'll have a countdown goin. =) Good luck with recording it all-- sounds like you're working with some pretty awesome people. Can't wait to hear more of your amazingness!
I. Am. Stoked! --Katie in IA =)
OMG!!!! I'm really excited for "Nashville Tennis", but I can't WAIT for the "Birds and the Bee Sides!" My friend loves y'all as much as I do, so he'll be excited whe i tell him. The summer movie season AND two new RK projects? I'm having a good day.
PS. You're lucky Shonen Knife is from Japan, otherwise you'd have some copyright problems (cookies to whoever gets that.)
This is so awesome!! I can't wait. But what is an EP? I never really knew what that was. Will someone please tell me here, or post on my blog? Thanks.
-God bless.
HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! ITS SOOOOO AWESOME! bye
...i love you matty...
PS. please please PLEASE tell me you're putting the Jefferson Airplane demo on there! I can't find it anywhere!
just when i thought i might be growing out of relient k you say you're doing some "alt country" and a bunch of acoustic tracks??!?
Matthew, I love you
Hahah i think i got what The Nashville Tennis EP is about. as in, "Nashville Tenesse" Pee. lol
Love your wordplay!!
wow, i can't wait to hear all that stuff. best wishes from germany
thanks for keeping your fans up to date. I'm excited to hear the new stuff. I'm a huge fan. not gonna lie though, Im a little nervous about the whole country thing.
Well, just another AWESOME thing in this AWESOME life that I lead.
Usually I'm being extremely sarcastic when I say that, but Relient K is not something one can be sarcastic about.
Until then, I'll just keep having my brother drop-tune his guitar and play a schweet metal version of Devastation and Reform. Which is so cool.
Dear my favorite band,
PLEASE record The Office tribute for me. =) I know I'm not cool enough to be at the show in Illinois, but I believe that I was one of those many, many people you address when you talk to "everyone that pays attention to our band".
Did I suck up enough? I'm so ready to go another mile.
<3 Alexis Rae Demandante.
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
relient k
is the best band of the world
give a concert in el paso please
see you
god bless you
i lovee relient k so much is the best band in the world,give a concert in el paso please
see you
god bless you
Dude! This is gonna be awesome! I'm totally gonna get it!
Hey Matt!
Sweet deal.
Until next time!
- Mike Ulrich -
That's so much Relient K! That makes my summer for sure.
yay! I'm so excited!! You guys should sell those old EPs online.. I have to always get um at concerts and never have enough money.. then I would own all your stuff =]
EEKIE!!! that just made my life. u guys are my heros and im soo happy that u made this new albums n stuff. look out 4 me @ ure concerts in PA, ill be the girl with the hair and the relient k shirt on. hahaha i crack myself up. anyway thanks again rk i love u guys
Can't wait!!
Yay!! i hope it's available in the UK, you guys should come and do a gig in northern rieland, we can barely get hold of your cd's here!! it'd rock :)
Hehe you're a scruffy human water bottle...
I was just about to say just kidding then Where Do I Go From Here (acoustic) re-started and then I thought about it and realized I would like a Matt Thiessen. I'd take him with me EVERYWHERE! I know that's not possible though but I'd like to borrow you for a day so I could sing with you. That is my crazy dream that I'm not sure will ever come true... -sigh-
"Where do I go? Where do I stand? Where can I find myself again? Where do I go if not disappear? Where do I go from here?"
You write the best songs I've ever heard and your voice is my favorite.... I say this each time I hear something I haven't heard you sing before, I fall in love with your voice more and more each time I hear it sing something new! I'll bet it's even more lovely in person. ^_^
God gave you such an amazing talent! Never stop sharing it!!!
OMGosh, I love you guys so much :)
I'm brazilian and...well no, we DO NOT live with the monkeys or something okay? ¬¬ LOL
Anyway...just love your songs, you guys inspire me...
Matt, I have a question for ya...
Will you marry me? =)
you guys are awsome well jesus is awsome but so are you
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