Anyway, after the WWS tour I took a few weeks off, relaxed a bit, and enjoyed the holidays.
A few days before 09, we played a few shows (4) in Galtinburg, TN. We did a bunch of dorky stuff like minigolf, go carts, and buying almost $200 worth of elk jerky.
Since then, I've found my way to here.
I'm on a lake in the middle of nowhere,
and I'm taking some time to write some new tunes for a new LP.
So far, I'm enjoying the process immensely.
Encyclopedias are crucial to any studio set up.
On Monday, my friend Adam from Owl City will be paying me a visit. We're going to work on a few of his songs for his upcoming record. I can't wait.
2009 is gonna be a great year. We've got a ton of really cool things going on, and we'll be doing some major renovations to all of our web stuff. After that, it'll be easier to inform everyone of what we've got cookin.... And it won't just be jerky.
Happy New Year :D
Looking forward to what you're all gonna do in 2009. Sounds exciting.
Mucho excitamente, senor! Oh look, your blog's trilingual now...
Really? You're gonna help Owl City?
I love that band!
Anyways, hope you had a good new year!
God Bless, Matt!
two things:
1...Ill trade you something for a piece of elk jerkey.
2...jealous that youre able to sit on the middle of a lake somewhere without freezing to death. Midwest weather is killing us all.
Yay! New blog!
I can't wait to hear those songs you're working on... you never ever fail to amaze me with your lyrics :)
Hopefully 2009 will bring Relient K to Seattle!
Nord keys + MacBook... elegance. :)
Any chance of hearing that new LP in 2009?
Keep it up. Anytime you wanna come to Australia, I'll be waiting :)
ps..yes, I am aware that i spelled 'jerky' wrong. whoops.
I love Owl City :)
Uh oh... is Warne making an elk jerky flash animation?
That would be so cool!!
Yay for recording in the middle of nowhere!
Ja, zweitausendneun is sehr gut!! It's great to hear from you again. I was starting to think you were never returning to the blog!
I'm so pumped for anything and everything you guys are going to be doing this year!! Whatever it is though, I hope it includes you guys coming back to Chicago! Some new music would be pretty fawesome too... Enjoy your elk jerky!!
Uhhhh...... Matty? What's with the stack of cushions in the corner?
Yay!!! New tunes!!!!!
Awesome! Happy new year to you too.
I'm excited.
Happy New Year!
I hope to hear some new songs soon!
Have a wonderful time on the lake, it looks beautiful =D
miss you
new blog, matty?
finally. :)
sounds like your new year has been relaxing.
elk jerky.. beautiful scenery.. owl city..
you're so lucky.
& yes, encyclopedias have many functions. ;)
take care, matty t.
Did you take that lake photo?!?! Gorgeous. Good to see you're taking care of your soul. We all eagerly await the results of your writing process.
Wow, the lake photo is absolutely stunning. If you are going to go somewhere and work on new music, glad you were able to find such a picturesque and beautiful place.
Also glad you were able to get some R&R and have a little fun in the process.
Take care of yourself. If I don't see you before Creation NW, I may try to go and I can wave at you from the stage, hopefully. LOL
hey matt!
i'm glad that you are making new songs! can't wait to hear them!
i also hope the next time you go on a tour you go to Pittsburgh! last time you guys came, i couldn't go... :(
so other than that, i'd just like you to know that Relient k is one of the biggest influences of my life presently. i really hope we could become friends, when your not off busy making a song or eating elk jerky. :)
I love the lake picture. It's stunning. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
I am amazingly excited about your new tunes. The Nasheville Tennis EP was my favorite stuff you guys have ever put out, and I am absolutely stoked to hear more tunage from you guys. I really love your band.
Hopefully I'll get to see you guys a couple times this year.
I really hope you have a wonderful year, Matt.
matt you rock more than me bopping my head to your tunes ;]]
love you -
Hey Mr. Matt! Do you have a fan email or something, because it would make my day (or year) if I could send you a message :)
Yeah... I'm with Cierra on needing a fan email.... but I need it for a school project.... See.... we havw to do a poetry presentation on the meaning of a poem/ song, and I chose "Over-Thinking," because it pretty much saved my life... and it would be pretty rad to be able to pick your brain and find out all the dets about why you wrote it and such... anyway.... I know you probably don't check here..... but it would be way cool if you could help por favor!
What Rachel said is EXACTLY why I want to email you! I want to know how you write such poetic and inspiring songs :)
your makeshift studio is probably the best thing I've ever seen. it impacted me enough to say so publicly. thank you for being so darn neat!
Very cool Matt! Can't wait to hear what you come up with next...
Nice setup there. I enjoyed the angle which made me turn my head. Anyway, happy new year. I hope it finds you in good spirits. Perhaps the good spirits should be in you instead. But I digress. Hope you had a great christmas. We're all looking forward to whatever you guys crank out next!
I'm excited...
I don't understand how one person can be so clever..
hope you are well :)
"I've found my way to here"
pretty words...
|Punyx K|
OWL CITY!? yes please
glad you're doing well. that lake picture is beautiful. awesome studio set-up. can't wait to hear all the new stuff. i imagine it's awesome.
Best of '08?
We watched Harold and Maude in Philosophy class today. First time I've ever seen it. It was interesting.
Awesome! You must love Beef Jerky! =P
I hope one of the cools things planned is a concert in Vancouver, BC! A half hour set at Warped is just not enough Relient K!
Hey.... you should put the dates of your tour/ shows.... when you find out... And come to P-ville... or Sacramento (California, of course)... Stevo promised he'd take me to an RK concert if one came near here!!! SO COME HERE!!!!!
Hey matt....
did you know a fan made a fan page for you specifically on facebook??
are you a fan of yourself??
AWWW!!! matt! I feel so bad I have not commented on your blog in forever! lol oh man!!! whats an LP?? lol sounds pretty wicked awesome! I can't wait to see the new stuff you guys have coming! God Bless you Matt!!
nice pics
when you want to come to Brazil? why his fans love, please. we very!
New blog please!!
so really though, I give up on you! lol..this blog is neverrrr updated. boooo.
hope youre alive and made it off that lake...
You need to come tour in Canada, Mr Canadian immigrant.
Don't abandon your fellow countrymen!
so i'm thinking it's time for a new post.
and adam from owl city is the bomb!
kinda like you!
It will be time for a new post when you post a new post. :)
I was at Coldplay concert onn Thursday when they played in Sydney and it was one of the best nights of my life. relient K NEEDS to come to Sydney, so then that can be also one of the best nights of my life.
k glad thats sorted
and some one told me this one time that encyclopedias were good for something other than holding up speakers, but i cant remember what
relient k i am your biggest fan I listen to your music everyday on the 80Min bus ride. I havent went to any of your show yet but u will some day By Jeff
I love relient k!!!!!!! they're my favorite band!!!!!! I hope u guys have a fan mail address or something cuz that would make me really happy!!!!!
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